Oh, scones. You feel like such a treat with your flaky layers, your crunchy nooks and crannies.
These scones certainly are a treat, but in amongst the crunchy, flaky goodness hides all sorts of healthy ingredients. Whole wheat flour, kale and coconut oil come together like old friends. Mustard seed shows up unexpectedly and makes things interesting.
Coconut oil is the perfect substitute for butter. If you haven't given it a chance, well, what are you waiting for? Almond milk and vinegar do a good imitation of buttermilk and make this whole shebang 100% vegan.
This is one of those health-i-fied recipes that's not just good enough, it's seriously good.

2 cups whole wheat flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp sea salt
4 tbsp solid coconut oil
1 cup finely chopped kale
1 tbsp yellow mustard seeds
3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 tbsp white vinegar
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Put your cast iron skillet on medium-low heat (or skip this step and just use a baking sheet).
Combine flour, salt and baking soda in a large bowl. Add coconut oil and combined with a pastry mixer, two forks or your fingers. Mixture should be crumbly.
Add vinegar to almond milk and set aside. Add kale and mustard seed to dry mix, coating kale in flour. Slowly add milk mixture until the dough comes together. It should be shaggy and a bit sticky.
When your skillet is heated, drop dough in mounds into the pan, first around the edges and then one in the middle. (Or, if your skipping the skillet, drop in mounds onto a baking sheet.)
Remove pan from heat and place in the oven on the middle rack. Bake for 8-10 minutes or unitl scones are golden.
Makes 6-8 scones.