Saturday, March 10, 2012

How Does Your Garden Grow?



the prettiest little white blossoms

buds coming out on the lilac bush

mustard greens sprouting on the windowsill
fresh parsley picked from the garden

 Here in Victoria, spring comes early. Things begin to blossom in February and don't seem to stop until, well...ever. Living in a coastal rainforest means that the environment stays green for most of the year. My favourite part is the moss. I have an obsession with how fuzzy and squishy and lush it is. I wish my bed were made of moss.

Of course, you can't argue with the all the pretty blossoms popping up either. Our whole yard is covered in flat-leaf parsley left over from the gardening efforts of previous tenants. And I can't even explain to you how excited I am for the blossoming of the giant lilac that hides our front porch.

I've got six egg carton trays of seedlings on the living room windowsill and they all seem to be coming along nicely. Mustard greens, basil, kale, tomatoes and peppers. Our little garden in the making!

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